
(1-855-462-6432, TTY 711)

We Want
to Hold
Your Hand

The Free/Low-Cost Medicaid Health
Plan for New Yorkers

Why Amida Care?

At Amida Care, we help you with every step of your health care journey.

  • Access to a large network of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, dentists, and more
  • A health advocate to help you every step of the way
  • Help with housing referrals, job training, and other support programs
INTERESTED?  We would love to hear from you. Call Now

Are you eligible to join?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Qualify for Medicaid Managed Care
  • Live in New York City
  • Be one of the following: HIV positive, transgender (HIV positive or negative), homeless (HIV positive or negative), or a child (HIVpositive or negative) of an active Amida Care member

Get confidential answers today

Call or complete the form below

(1-855-462-6432, TTY 711)