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Amida Care News

Amida Care News

PCDC Named as “High-Impact HIV Prevention” in healthcare awardee by cdc

febrero 17 2014

Amida Care congratulates the Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC) on being named as a “Capacity Building Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention” program awardee by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This designation will enable PCDC to work with healthcare organizations nationwide to build capacity to integrate HIV prevention needs into their primary care practices, aligning these strategies with the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and the Chronic Care Model.

In a previous collaboration with Amida Care, involving the PCMH and Chronic Care Model, PCDC brought technical assistance to 7 community health centers in our network. The goals of this project were to retain patients in HIV care, increase access to care and improve clinic and visit flow. Teaming up with PCDC to innovate service delivery and member access to HIV care, ultimately led to improved clinic and provider performance, as well as facilitating engagement and retention to care for our members. PCDC’s recognition and certification by the CDC is well deserved.

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