Amida Care Presents Free Community Zumba Class in Brooklyn with Support from NYC Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo
June 12 2017
Amida Care Hosts an Afternoon of Zumba to Inspire Fitness and Healthy Living in Brooklyn
On June 10, with support from Brooklyn Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo, not-for-profit New York community health plan Amida Care presented “It’s Time to Zumba,” a community “Live Your Life” wellness event at Ebbets Field Apartments in Brooklyn.
With the goal of inspiring fitness and healthy living in Brooklyn, this event featured a lively dance session led by Zumba instructors. In this interactive workshop, staff from Council Member Cumbo’s office along with community participants learned the art of translating simple dance steps to fun exercises. Assemblyman Walter T. Mosley also visited the event. Light refreshments and giveaway prizes were also available to attendees.
“Amida Care’s ‘Live Your Life’ program grew out of direct member feedback that health care needs to be about more than visiting the doctor and taking pills. These events are designed to meet the social, physical, and emotional needs of our members and build important life skills. We thank Council Member Cumbo for her support in bringing this interactive, healthy, and fun initiative to the Brooklyn community,” said Doug Wirth, President and CEO of Amida Care.
Amida Care holds monthly Live Your Life wellness events throughout the five boroughs of New York City, where members and their guests learn about ways to get and stay physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. In addition to dance and fitness classes, the events cover such topics as art therapy, healthy cooking, meditation, aromatherapy, and more.
“As a representative for the Brooklyn community, my top priority is supporting my constituents in every aspect of their lives—including health and fitness. Amida Care’s Zumba event demonstrates a fun and effective way for families across Brooklyn to stay active and exercise. I’m excited to be a part of this workshop and future Live Your Life events to encourage and emphasize healthy living in our area,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo.