Don’t Lose Your Medicaid Benefits - Act Now
Don’t Lose Your Medicaid Benefits - Act Now

Provider Services

Provider Services

Services for Health Care Professionals

Provider Services Representatives are available to assist providers with billing, claims payment issues, and other information every business day, 9 am to 5 pm, at 1-800-556-0674.

Amida Care Salutes NYC’s Health Care Providers for Their Dedication and Heroism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Every day, in every way, you show how much you care. Thank you for your kindness, your time, your service and your generous spirit. Please accept these most heartfelt messages of gratitude and appreciation from our staff.

COVID-19 Information for Providers

COVID-19 Regulatory Information

Amida Care’s Quality Incentive and Viral Load Suppression (VLS) Program: Advancing Payments to Providers

Thanks from the Amida Care Provider Services Team!

Through Amida Care’s Quality Incentive and Viral Load Suppression (VLS) programs, Amida Care and our providers demonstrate a shared commitment to providing high-quality care to Amida Care members and helping those who are living with HIV to get and stay virally suppressed.

Despite these troubled times, we have had great success in achieving these goals. Amida Care has advanced payments totaling $1.5M to our partners for their outstanding work in 2019, representing a 68% VLS rate. We thank our partners who have participated and collaborated with Amida Care in this shared success! Read more here


Important: Mandatory Compliance Program Certification

As per the Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) requirement, Medicaid providers adopting and maintaining an effective compliance program will attest to this as part of their annual “Certification Statement for Provider Billing Medicaid.” This annual certification shall occur on the anniversary date of the provider’s enrollment in Medicaid, which can be found on your initial Medicaid enrollment welcome letter. Additionally, each year, approximately 45-60 days before the anniversary of a provider’s enrollment, the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) sends by mail a package of information and materials to providers, which includes the Certification of Statement for Provider Billing Medicaid Form and instructions on how to submit the form.

Amida Care is required to keep a copy of our Participating Providers annual “Certification Statement for Provider Billing Medicaid”. Once you have completed your certification, kindly provide Amida Care a copy of your notice of certification via email to:

Amida Care Live Your Life Undetectable Program

Amida Care now offers a viral load suppression member incentive program, Live Your Life Undetectable. The program provides your patients who are enrolled with Amida Care with a financial incentive of $100 for each quarter (three-month period) of demonstrated viral load suppression (<200 copies/ml) along with their participation in supportive services like case management or other provider-recommended medication adherence supports.

We greatly value and appreciate your partnership and alignment with our goal of improved patient health. For more details, please see the Live Your Life Undetectable tab at the top of the Provider Resources page.

Beacon New Mailing Address

Effective immediately, Beacon Health Options, Amida Care’s behavioral health service provider, has established a new mailing address for claims submission and correspondence. Please review the attached document for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Provider Services at 1-800-556-0674.

Provider Portal Offers Quick, Easy Access to Patient Information

Amida Care Online is a secure electronic portal developed specifically for you, our providers. This state-of-the-art tool enables you to gain immediate access to real-time data about claims, authorization status, member eligibility, and other patient information.Amida Care's Medical Team in NYC

To register for the portal, please call 1-800-556-0674 for support.

Keep Your Provider Information Current

It’s Important for You, Your Patients, and Us

Amida Care strives to go above and beyond for our clinicians and our members.

Please assist us by ensuring that provider addresses, phone numbers, specialties, and office hours are current. This is key to the accuracy of the Amida Care Provider Directory.

You may verify your provider demographic information by clicking on Find a Provider or by calling us at 1-800-556-0674

Provider file updates can be made via phone, by emailing us or by faxing 646-786-1803.

Amida Care values your participation and commitment to our members.

Electronic Claims Submission

Amida Care encourages our providers to file claims electronically.  Submit institutional and professional claims through Smart Data Solutions clearinghouse –  Amida Care’s electronic submitter ID# is 79966. If you are a provider who does not have claims submission software, you can mail claims directly to:  AMIDA CARE Claims, P.O. Box 21455, Eagan, MN 55121.