Dr. Jerome Ernst Named to AM New York’s Politics NY Power Players in Health Care
November 1 2022
Amida Care Chief Medical Officer Jerome Ernst has been named to the 2022 AM New York Metro’s Politics NY Power Players in Health Care list, which honors New York State’s top leaders in health care. The list includes the health care providers, insurers, and policymakers who are “reimagining everything from delivery of care to disease prevention, from holistic wellness to home-based care, from mental health and substance use interventions to the modernization and integration of patient information.” According to the feature, “These extraordinary individuals have a deep and enduring commitment to improving health outcomes for all New Yorkers.”
In the feature, Dr. Ernst is noted for his work “with the underserved populations most affected by HIV, designing models of care specifically for the hard to reach.” He is quoted about the future of health care: “Things will get worse if we don’t come to terms with the systemic problems that need to be resolved: better access, better care, more efficient systems, better distribution of resources, less waste. Most important is more and better care for the patient. Health care should be treated as a right and not as a profit generator.”
Read the full list here: https://politicsny.com/power-lists/2022-power-players-in-health-care/